
Henry Rubiños, Capilla Sixtina Periférica, huile sur toile, 2008

Henry Rubiños, Capilla Sixtina Periférica, huile sur toile, 2008
Photography, for Véronique Lalot, means tracking down light, colour, movement, with a special interest in anonymous and collective human activities – cities, traffic, building sites, funfairs… Series of ‘White’ or ‘Dark’ images – landscapes, atmospheric images, waterfalls – form a counterpoint to this leitmotif in her work. She uses a variety of different media: black and white photography, photographs painted or enhanced through collages and multi-layer effects, digital photography.
Véronique Lalot was born in 1953. She lives and works in Paris. A stage set design student at the École des arts et techniques du théâtre in Paris, she started as a photographer in black and white in 1975. From then until around 1999, she experimented with a variety of techniques: photographic collages, three-dimensional photographs (the ‘Sculptographies’), painted photographs (black and white prints painted over with ink). The focus of her work was urban settings: building sites, demolitions, urban transformations. From 1999 until the present, she has been working exclusively with digital photography, continuing to photograph what is going on in the city (construction, dance, music, Carnival) but also photographing landscape in motion (most recently waterfalls and fire).
Véronique Lalot was born in 1953. She lives and works in Paris. A stage set design student at the École des arts et techniques du théâtre in Paris, she started as a photographer in black and white in 1975. From then until around 1999, she experimented with a variety of techniques: photographic collages, three-dimensional photographs (the ‘Sculptographies’), painted photographs (black and white prints painted over with ink). The focus of her work was urban settings: building sites, demolitions, urban transformations. From 1999 until the present, she has been working exclusively with digital photography, continuing to photograph what is going on in the city (construction, dance, music, Carnival) but also photographing landscape in motion (most recently waterfalls and fire).